Top 10 Exam Preparation Apps For Android And iOS
We live in the era of information and technology. With the help of DIGITALIZATION, the required information is just a click away. Therefore, these days preparing for exams has become very easy, thanks to lots of apps available for android and IOS users. In these times of tough competition these apps help students to understand better, clear doubts, stay focused, and evaluate their progress at the comfort of their home and sometimes for free.
Not just this a few apps tell them shortcuts and tricks of optimum utilization of time by smart study. They provide a more interactive way of learning and teach them organized ways of self-studying. Not only are these apps provide quality study material free but also serve you anywhere and at any hour of the day without the Internet.
In addition, students can revise and watch/read the topics as many times as they want without any hesitation. Some apps equip you with an entire syllabus, topper’s notes, and mock test to save you from exam anxiety.
Here, we bring you some of the best apps to download for Android and IOS (Apple) phones to prepare effectively ad confidently for exams:
Pocket Aptitude:
The app is a guide for various aptitude-based exams. It is featured in Economic Times as India’s top competitive exam app. It has listed more than 2000 quantitative aptitude questions and word problems with their solutions. Pocket Aptitude offers you the best study material from the most frequently asked Data interpretation and Logical Reasoning questions in competitive exams. This app is designed as a preparation tool for CAT, CSAT, and those waiting to crack the bank and other entrance exams. You can easily check your problem-solving speed using this app to prepare for different competitive exams. It also has an option to change the difficulty levels of questions.
TCY is another app for android and iOS users, which allows you to easily get competitive exam questions free. It has a huge collection of different questions are listed with their solution. This app is very organized as it provides questions according to categories and subcategories. Topic-wise – you can find questions easily. One-stop solution for all the exam-related problems you would ever face in your life.
It also lets you download question papers, which you can solve later even without the internet. It also lets you invite to compete with your friends and previous toppers in challenging zone. It keeps you updated with the news related to your exam. Also through TCY analytics, you can compare your performance with other aspirants and get a detailed evaluation of your attempted test.
It is a hit with school and university students and teachers also. This app has a huge library created by other users, which you can use for free. One of its cool features is you can make and share your own study material using videos and audio, dynamic flashcards, and engaging games. Teachers use it to set their students’ challenges and tests by creating specific materials and then sharing them online, in or out of the classroom. Quizlet is a fun way to learn, as it uses interactive play learning concepts.
Master O:
This app is designed for the organization’s digital learning objectives. Your organization can use Master-O for a variety of learning objectives ranging from sales training, customer service, product knowledge, compliance, health & safety, leadership & management, personal productivity, and more.
The app will enable you to become a “Master-Of” many skills that are crucial for your current role and long-term success. Get ready to learn Micro skills and experience the new way of learning using Master-O.
Exam countdown:
No one is unaware of the worry students go through during exams. So to keep their schedules organized and to keep track this app is very helpful. It gives you a daily countdown to all your upcoming exams. It is free and very simple to use., you can color-code your exams based on subjects or add symbols to them so it’s easy to see at a glance, as well as receive notifications to remind you when a test is approaching. You can help your classmates by sharing your whereabouts with them.
My study life:
This is a magical app that can hack your complete study life by keeping track of your day-to-day study timetable, as well as exams, homework assignments, and even your grades. It is an all-in-one student organizer, that will monitor and remind you of incomplete tasks and upcoming classes and exams in sync with your calendar. For more features, it has a task manager customized as per student’s daily routines.
It also syncs across all devices, saves everything to the cloud. You can even access your data offline, which is great if you happen to lose your Wi-Fi connection.
It works on a different line than all the apps mentioned above but it deserves a mention here. AMCAT is a 90-minute test, which matches your skills to jobs. It will help you to get the perfect job according to your knowledge and skillsets
Just book the test online and you can also prepare for the exam and get sample questions for the exam related to your skill and job requirements. Along with these, you can also track the job, which you had applied for.
Daily current affairs and GK:
Current affairs and GK is an integral part of every exam and day-to-day life decision-making. This app helps you get weekly, monthly and even yearly GK notes both online and offline. This could be an unending topic as it is very vast so they have categorized the material to make it convenient for aspirants to prepare as per their syllabus. The material is listed by experienced experts so it is very useful. GK quiz and fun GK games make it fun and interesting.
ADF Aptitude test:
YOU Session gives you the best training for the Australian Defense Force aptitude test. This app lets you take “Exam before Exam” by creating the exact condition you will face during the real exam. It provides some sample papers with a large selection of logical and mathematical questions in a clear and simple design. The best feature of this app is to provide instant results so you can evaluate yourself. In addition, it provides you a guide on how to solve tricky questions and save time during exams.
Grade up
Gradeup is a FREE Exam Preparation App for various competitive exams. They cover several exams. They provide material both in Hindi & English languages. The app also facilitates free mock tests & Daily GK updates which are essential for the preparation of competitive examinations. Mock tests, solved papers expert help with any questions, etc are the key features of this app.
Hope you will gear up for your exams using the above apps. Others in the category which might be helpful are PTE Success, Vocabulary builder, BYJU’s, Zookal, Onlineverdan, Unacademy Learning app, The IQ Test, Study Tips, Edurev, Google translate, Acca Student planner, Evernote, Google Drive, Forest, Todiat, Study blue, xmind.
Google Search Terms:
- Best app for competitive exam preparation
- Exam Preparation Apps For Android
- Best Exam Preparation Apps For Android
- Top Exam Preparation Apps For Android
- Best app for free mock Test
- Best app for competitive exam preparation