Among all the modern gadgets that offer a number of conveniences, the iPhone ranks at the top. The iPhone is not just a phone. Owning an iPhone is akin to having at least a dozen gadgets rolled into one.
Users can easily substitute an iPhone for a number of traditional gadgets . Here is a list of the gadgets you can skip buying if you already have an iPhone:
1. Alarm Clocks
The days of bedside alarm clocks are largely gone thanks to smartphones. These days, the alarm at your bedside is most likely an iPhone. All iPhones come with a free alarm feature already installed. But if you want extra features, there are plenty of free alarm apps to download.
The iPhone alarms offer significant advantages over traditional alarms. For starters, you can program multiple alarms at once. Then you can use an array of sounds and music to wake you up in the morning. The iPhone also has a vibrating feature that some sleepers will find most helpful for literally jolting them awake.
2. A Point and Shoot Camera
The rise of smartphones, particularly the iPhone, has almost effectively killed off the market for small point-and-shoot cameras people used to take on vacation. Now people prefer to snap selfies using their iPhones or Androids. The iPhone is particularly popular for taking photographs, and the latest models of iPhones can even rival budget-friendly DSLRs.
Carrying a separate camera is an extra burden that your iPhone can easily stand in for. However, even the iPhone X doesn’t come close to offering the same image quality as a fully-fledged DSLR. But iPhone cameras can more than fulfill the photography needs of non-professional users. Therefore, unless you are into serious photography, you can save money on a point-and-shoot camera and just use an iPhone.
3. Video Cameras
Camcorders or video cameras used to come bundled with point-and-shoot cameras. Now even these devices are being replaced by smartphones. The iPhone captures excellent footage similar to what you get with a typical, low-cost camcorder.
Don’t underestimate the power of the iPhone to impress even the professionals. The director Steven Soderbergh (Ocean’s Eleven and Erin Brokovich) recently shot an entire movie using an iPhone. Some YouTube personalities are also substituting iPhones for more traditional action cams like Go Pros.
It should be noted that iPhone cameras certainly do not offer the same video shooting features as a professional-grade camcorder. Once again, most people are not professionals so an iPhone can more than suffice for shooting family vacations and pet videos.
4. Music Players
Remember the days of the Walkmans and iPods? Instead of carrying an extra MP3 player in your backpack, you can easily use an iPhone as your go-to music player. Newer models of the iPhone offer as much capacity for storing songs as an iPod. In addition to downloading tracks, you can use an iPhone to stream music using apps like Spotify on the go.
You can enjoy just about the same features as an MP3 player using an iPhone. You can organize your tracks using the Apple Music App, in addition to the countless other music player apps available for iPhones. What’s more, you can even stream music on your iPhone to other connected devices around the house, like wireless speakers.
5. Radio
The radio has not completely disappeared as yet. However,a really cool feature on the iPhone and on many other smartphonesis that you can access stored music and also tune into a local radio station. The iPhone’s Music App gives users quick and easy access to a radio tab. You can listen to FM radio and even podcasts without an issue. There’s no need to buy a separate radio anymore.
6. Calculator
All iPhones come with a basic calculator app installed for quick number crunching for those who are not math whizzes. The functionality of the calculator app is simple as it is convenient. The newer models of the iPhone feature a fully scientific inbuilt calculator. Just rotate the screen with the basic calculator to gain access to the expanded scientific calculator. Students can easily save money on an expensive scientific calculator with an iPhone.
7. GPS
Navigating cityscapes has never been easier thanks to automated GPS devices like the one you wouldfind on an iPhone. Drivers often install a GPS gadget in their cars. But if you have an iPhone, all you need to do is to mount the device in your car to get access to a map app. The GPS features on the iPhone are very similar to standard GPS devices available for cars. You can save the extra hassle and money by simply substituting your iPhone for a traditionally bulky GPS gadget.
8. Voice Recorder
Some of us rely heavily on voice recorders to set reminders and notes. Voice recorders are also a major necessity for certain professions, like journalism. In the past, people made do by carrying around stick-like voice recorders that usually showed lowbatterypower when they were needed the most. The iPhone comes with an amazing voice recorder that makes the recorders of the past just about obsolete.
The iPhone voice recorder is an inbuilt app users can access for free. It’s surprisingly accurate and is excellent at capturing even certain background noises. If you speak into the phone at close range, you can create crisp and clear recordings. The recordings can be easily stored on the iPhone and accessed anytime.
9. Flash Drives
If you have an iPhone, you won’t need to carry around a flash drive that might easily get lost. The iPhone enables wireless transfer of documents using apps like the iPhone Drive and Air Sharing. Essentially, the iPhone itself can act as a massive flash drive. You will be able to enjoy the convenience of transferring files between devices without actually having to plug anything in.
The iPhone certainly isn’t the only smartphone to have a flashlight, but the inbuilt artificial torch is quite remarkable. The iPhone cleverly uses a flash bulb attached to the camera to double as a flashlight whenever necessary. The iPhone flashlight is bright enough to light up a dark room. This flashlight doesn’t have a strong beam like high-end tactical flashlights, but it still generates enough light for regulartasks.
11.Universal Remote Control
The latest models of the iPhone easily double as universal remote controllers for a variety of electronic gadgets. You can ditch actual remote controllers that tend to get lost in your couch. The iPhone remote controller can give you rapid access to software programs, Windows machines, and any machine in the same network that has iTunes installed on it.
12.E-Book Reader
The iPhone has broken barriers to introducing e-reading capabilities on nearly all models. Users won’t need to rush to buy a separate e-reader. Instead, downloading one of the many e-reading apps at the Apple App store will instantly convert your trusty iPhone into a highly capable e-book reader.
The e-reader on the iPhone offers tons of features available on separate e-readers, sans the screen style. You can adjust text sizes, fonts, and colors using the iPhone e-reader. There is also a feature that adjusts the screen brightness to allow you to read without hurting your eyes.
If you have one of the latest iPhone models, you will be able to enjoy the functionality of all the above gadgets in one device. As iPhones and smartphones become more advanced overall, the list of gadgets you no longer need to buy will certainly grow as well.